Warning Message to Employee for Safety Violation


Kindly take this message as a warning for violating the safety rules and regulations of the organization. You may not know about violations of safety or maybe you are doing it unintentionally. I am writing this to warn you that the organization is concerned seriously about its safety measurements and regulations. It is very important for each of the company’s employees to follow its rules. Otherwise, this will result in serious disciplinary action against the culprit. I hope that you will take this warning seriously and you will not violate safety rules. Moreover, you need to be more concerned now about the company’s safety.


This message has been issued against you for violating safety rules. It has been brought to my notice that you intentionally did not follow safety rules for the execution of the current project. As a team head, it is your responsibility to make all the safety measurements for the labor force. This negligence on your part can result in serious action against the company by the government. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to enforce safety rules and regulations immediately. Any violation of following safety rules will result in the loss of your job and you will not be part of any future project. I hope that you will act upon what has been said and will not disappoint me.


This message is an official warning against you for violating safety rules at the project execution site. It was written clearly in our contract that for each of the company’s employees it is mandatory to ensure all safety measures during construction work. Yesterday, during the CEO’s visit to the project site, a clear violation of safety rules has been observed. Laborers were seen without leather gloves, construction caps, masks, and safety glasses against asbestos. This thing is not acceptable at all in our company.

You are warned to enforce all safety measures among laborers on an immediate basis. If you continue to do this negligence, you will be fined heavily and you will also put in jeopardy your prospects of continuing work with our organization. I am hopeful that you will take this warning seriously and a surprise visit will be made to the construction site.


This message has been sent to you in regard to violating safety rules at the renovation site that is under construction at our ABC Company’s main branch. I am writing this to show my grievance in this matter. In a surprise visit by our senior manager yesterday to the construction site, your staff has shown a clear violation of safety measures. They were found not wearing proper shoes and gloves. All this has forced me to write this warning message to you and I hope that you will take abrupt action. Repeated violations may result in your termination.


I am writing this message officially to warn you of violating the department’s safety rules of our XYZ Organization. Your unethical attitude has harmed badly the reputation of the organization and we are all really upset over it. All this has compelled us to write this warning message about your poor conduct and violating safety rules that can lead to a severe mishap in the future. You had already been warned by our senior manager, but you did not listen to him and continued to violate the rules. I hope that this time you will take this warning seriously and will change your working strategy by following rules and regulations.


It has been reported that you are continuously violating the safety rules of the company. We are not confirmed whether you are doing it intentionally or unintentionally. Whatever it may be, your violation has put almost every labor in trouble. This message is a warning to you to not go on with the same attitude. You are strictly advised to follow proper safety rules and regulations carefully. To stay in the company it is mandatory for every employee to follow its rules. The safety and welfare of the employees are prime motives of the organization.

I advise you to follow proper rules and regulations from next. We will not tolerate any non-compliance and it might result in strict disciplinary action. Your job can also be at risk of termination by not following guidelines. I hope that you will make sure the safety of the labor force working under you and will not disappoint me.

Warning Message to Employee for Safety Violation