Warning Message to Employee

#1 After evaluating your last month’s performance the company had been noticing your commitment and behavior. I am remorseful to let you know that you disappointed us and there came no change in your work performance. You have been caught threatening your team head to correct your mistakes. This company is not your personal property that you will run in your way. It has placed some boundaries for its employees that nobody is allowed to cross. Despite being deferential, you browbeat him. As a junior, it should be on your priority list to have self-respect for other employees. We are forgiving you this time but if next any such incident occurs you will not be notified priory. It is my…

Excuse Message to Boss Due to Chronic Pain Condition

#1 I would like to make a leave request for five days due to backache. In the house shifting, I carried heavy things that resulted in a sprained back. I used a home remedy to lessen the pain, but it did not affect me well. I visited the doctor, and he has suggested some precautions as any negligence can have severe outcomes. I will take complete bed rest during this time and will avoid carrying any weight. I have four sessions of physiotherapy starting today. Therefore, I request that you exempt me from work and grant me five days of leave. I am also attaching the doctor’s prescription with this message. Please let me know if you need additional information.…

Stomachache Excuse Message for Student

#1 I hope you are having a great day. I am Alexie Dale, a 9th-grade student at ABC School. I am writing this message to ask for two days’ leave due to a stomach ache. I was at a friend’s party last night, and my diet got imbalanced, resulting in vomiting and nausea. I visited a doctor, and the doctor diagnosed that there was swelling in my stomach. I will be on proper medication and bed rest for three days. It will not be possible for me to attend school these days. Kindly consider my leave request. I would be thankful to you for this. COPY #2 This message intends to bring to your attention my leave from university on…

Employee Theft Confession Message to Boss

#1 Despite being familiar with nobbling a dissipated deed, I am disgraceful for writing you this confession message. I know this act cannot be substantiated, but you are kind enough that I seek absolution from you. I stole Miss Julian’s gold ring from her cabin, and this regret will always remain with me. I did not do it on purpose. My mental health was not stable, and I did it to relieve my mind. I am entitled to punishment, but you did not take any serious action, and I am grateful to you. I have learned a lot from my mistake and will think of doing this again. I request you to give me a last chance to improve myself.…

Request to Boss for an Assistant at Workplace

#1 With humble submission, I am penning down my request to ask for an assistant with me at the workplace. The new construction project is starting on [mention date], and we are lacking employees. With the current workers’ strengths, the project cannot be accomplished in due time. I need an assistant with me to make possible the smooth running of the work schedule. I have highlighted all the requirements that must be present in the new assistant. Your immediate response will be highly appreciated. COPY #2 I am writing this message to request that you provide me with an assistant to carry out the marketing project. The company is officially starting its campaign on [date], and a lot of work…

Message to Parents for Short Attendance

#1 Dear parents, please be informed that your daughter, Sylvia Saxon, is not a regular student. She remains absent for days without informing her class teacher. You should have known this was not good for her overall performance. She will not be allowed to sit for exams if her attendance is below 50%. She is a bright student, and I do not want her grades to be affected due to it. I had warned her many times to be regular in class, but she did not listen to anyone. It is time for her to be attentive and punctual. Therefore, we are writing you this note to make her understand its repercussions. I hope you will understand the severity of…

Appreciation Message for Financial Support

#1 This is to applaud your efforts in assisting financially and helping our organization come out of difficult situations. I lack the words to properly thank you, as you have done a mesmerizing job. Your financial support means a lot, as it has helped hundreds of students accomplish their dreams. You are a ray of hope that has enlightened a spirit of enthusiasm and dedication in the students. They will be able to accomplish their mission. It has provided them with the determination to pursue their goals, which will exhibit their stances. I am sending you an improvement list that was made possible only with your kind support. I will update you weekly on our recent developments. The students are…

Thank You Someone for Referring a Good Job

#1 Dear Joey, I am writing this heartfelt note to express my gratitude to you for directing me to the media executive job. I admire your efforts in helping me choose the best field. I had given the interview, and it went well beyond my expectations. I experienced new things during the entire process, and it will help me a lot in future endeavors. I was quite nervous before appearing for the interview, but thanks to you for motivating me. I followed all your pieces of advice, and it proved quite helpful. I will definitely look for your help for the next process. Without your support, I could not have passed the initial phase. COPY #2 I am writing this…

Thank Someone for Getting You a Job

#1 Dear James, I am grateful to you for referring me to the ABC Organization. It is because of your sincere efforts that I got the opportunity to be in direct contact with Mr. Luther. The interview session was quite interesting, and it continued for an hour. I received a confirmation email from the department yesterday. I cannot tell you how delighted I am with this great news. I give credit to you, who acted as a mediator and helped me find my dream job. I will never forget your favor. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you, I will always be there for you. Thank you once again for helping me. COPY #2…

Explanation Message for Being Late Due to Sickness

#1 This message intends to inform you of the reason for my coming late due to sickness. I have not been feeling well for some time because of my hectic work schedule. Sitting continuously for hours had made my back weak and I was unable to walk properly. On [mention date], I was having mild pain but amidst all this, I reached the office. It took me some time to reach the office late due to backache. I know that coming office late is a violation of the company’s rules and I am sorry for this. I assure you that I will reach the office in time. I am hopeful you will understand my situation. COPY #2 This message is…

Explanation for Being Absent Due to Emergency

#1 I am writing this message as an explanation in response to your email I received yesterday. You had asked the reason for my remaining absent without bringing it to anyone’s notice. I am sorry for not letting you know about it on time. I was stuck in an emergency due to my sister’s poor health. She was 35 weeks pregnant and due to high blood pressure, she got delivery pains. We had to rush her immediately to the hospital and we all were in a grieving situation. In a state of nuisance, I could not bring it to your notice. This was one of the most challenging times I passed through and I am incredibly apologetic for breaking office…

Reprimand for Gossiping at the Workplace

#1 This reprimand has been sent to you for your overindulgence in chewing the way with your colleagues. You should have learned basic workplace ethics and every organization wants its employees to behave in a certain way. I do not know how you manage to think apart from work as the immense workload does allow this. You have one hour break time to have a chat with your friends but during office hours we do not allow this. You might be getting my tone offensive but anyone involved in breaking the company’s policy will be reprimanded. The time you spent gossiping can be utilized in executing tasks. This is also affecting your colleague’s performance. Due to this, we are issuing…

Apology Letter for Unavailability for Various Situations

#1 I am writing this letter to apologize for not attending the ABC Enterprises meeting scheduled on [mention date]. It was an important business meeting and the participation of every worker was mandatory in it. I was put into such circumstances that no escape was possible from it. I have always been a regular employee and know my professional limits. My wife was in the third trimester and due to falling down stairs I immediately needed to rush her to hospital. Her situation was very crucial and I remained intensely busy in arranging blood for her. I am sorry for not making my presence at the meeting and not bringing it to your notice timely. Please forgive me for this…

Warning Letter to Employee for Financial Loss

#1 Dear Alice, this letter serves to reprimand you for making the organization go through the financial crisis. Your negligence created inescapable circumstances and we lost an important business deal. Our organization works on the principle of tranquility and wants its employees to behave professionally. We provide no room for negligence and have designed some policies to carry out smooth work performance. I was informed through reliable resources that your amateurish way of dealing with our co-partner ended in financial loss. He has been a partner with us for a long time and we had invested a lot in this deal. It was very heartrending for me to lose such a valuable client. He was not satisfied with the services…

Warning Message to Student for Fee Submission

#1 This message serves as a warning to you for not submitting your college dues for February, March, and April. You were supposed to submit your dues before [mention date] but you are delaying it. The school administration has sent you a gentle reminder but you did not take it seriously. We contacted your parents but they also did not provide a satisfactory answer. All this has compelled us to issue this warning notice. If any student fails to meet the school’s discipline criteria, then it can lead to his dismissal from the institution. You are a brilliant student and we regard you, we gave you enough time to submit your dues. Kindly take this message as a serious warning…