With due respect, I am writing this message to ask for an apology regarding my yesterday’s behavior during your class. It all happened in the moment of heat and was not done intentionally. I know breaking a school’s law and damaging its property is not bearable at any rate. I am really ashamed of my action. I had discussed the matter with my parents and they are ready to reconcile the damage done by me. Being a part of Students Affairs, it is my responsibility to avoid any kind of turmoil with students. I make sure this thing that in future the same will not be repeated and I will remain a good student. Kindly consider my apology. This act has made me shameful in my eyes too. If you forgive me, I will remain indebted to you forever.
Kindly accept this message as an apology for my misconduct in disturbing the class’s environment by making a loud noise. I am Stalin Cather, a student of 8th grade in your school. This incident happened when Mr. Julian was taking our Grammar class. I admit what I have done was annoying and disrespectful for you and my other classmates. It distracted everyone and I am really apologetic for jumbling the environment of class and I guarantee that I will not do this again. I have learned a lesson for life from this mistake. I am ready to seek an apology from you in front of other classmates. I beg your pardon for my stupidity. Looking forward to your exoneration with full contrition!
I am Christopher Neil and writing this message with great remorse and guilt. You love your students equally and I owe you for this. I know that my yesterday’s rude behavior disturbed you and made you feel agonizing and intolerable. My misconduct caused nuisance and deteriorated the class’s decorum. I am feeling indefensible for my delinquency and will not give any explanation. I have realized now that I lack behind in many ways and I will strive to ameliorate myself to become an admirable champ.
With utmost respect, I am submitting my apology for disrupting the decorum of the classroom by talking loudly. I am really sorry for this. This all happened during Mr. Stalin’s Sports class and my immediate noise discomforted the whole class. I am remorseful for what I have done and promise that I will not do this again. Kindly accept my apology for the same. I will never forget this act of kindness.
I am extremely remorseful and ashamed by howling during your class today. This act made you infuriated and you left the class abruptly. This all happened because of me and I do not have even words to say you sorry physically. I don’t have the courage to face you. Therefore, I am writing this message to seek for an apology for the indisposition induced by me. I am repentant for my lamentable conduct and swear that you will not find me repeating this again. Kindly consider my apology for forgiving me.
I herewith propose my regret for going against the class’s discipline by talking loudly. You are one of those teachers whom I value as greatest human advisors, therefore I find myself in seventh heaven after taking your classes. My yesterday’s misconduct has made me restless and not let me sit calmly. I have realized my mistake and I am so regretful and hoping you to provide me last opportunity for upgrading myself. Kindly consider my sorry; I will be highly indebted to you for this favor.
I am highly shamefaced and conscious stricken for my other day’s misbehavior during your lecture. Such outburst was redundant by my side and it was disrespectful too. I am despicable and appalling after this and submit my apology wholeheartedly.
I am Kelvin Smith and hereby submit my regret for executing a bad attitude in your class. This all happened at the spur of the moment and later I realized that I have done so much wrong and I should apologize. I respect you from the core of my heart and therefore I am not sitting peacefully since yesterday. Please forgive me for considering my apology. I will not repeat the same act again.