Sir, it is to inform you that I am having a baby at home, and he is too young to stay alone. Currently, my maternity leaves are over and I want to inform you that I am not able to resume work. The baby is not in the position to leave at home alone. There is no one to look after him and I should stay at home for a while. Therefore, I am bringing this to your notice that I am not returning to work after my maternity leave. Kindly accept my situation and problem, I will be obliged to you.
Hi, it is subjected to you that my maternity leaves are over, and I am not able to join the office. My baby is at home and there is no availability of a nurse and caretaker. He is too young to leave at home, it takes quite a long to find a good caretaker and nurse for my child. By that time, I am not returning to the office. My maternity leaves have ended and due to some crucial circumstances, I am not able to come office. In this regard, kindly accept my long grant of leave, or otherwise, you can make a decision. I will highly appreciate your act.
Sir, it is bringing to your notice that recently I have undergone delivery and surgical operation. The doctors have to operate on me to bring out the baby, I am having multiple stitches and bruises on my body. The doctor advised me to take a rest and avoid walking. Currently, my maternity leave has ended and now I am not in a condition to rejoin the office. Due to my health issues, I am not able to do my work properly in the office. So, it better if I would stay at home. Therefore, it is to inform you I am not returning to work after my maternity leave. I hope you would understand this.
Hi, it is to inform you that I am having a baby and his delivery is premature. He is in critical condition and requires a lot of care and attention. The doctors have put him in the incubator and giving him artificial respiration. It is difficult for me to leave him in this condition and come back to work. I know there are loads of work waiting for me and currently, I am on maternity leave. But due to the prevailing situation, I want to inform you that I am not returning to work after my leave. I hope you would apprehend this.
Sir, it is to inform you that recently I gave birth to my baby but unfortunately it died the next day. It is sudden death for me and my family, my whole family is in deep sorrow and grief. Being a mother is a difficult time for me and it takes a lot of time to come back to normal. Currently, I am on maternity leave and therefore I am informing you that I am not coming back to the office. I am not in the phase to understand and work, so it is therefore requested you kindly understand my position. I will be obliged to you for this act.