The family of the late [NAME] wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to all those who made the time to attend the funeral of their beloved father, grandfather, and brother. Your support and well wishes have brought ease to a time of great loss and sorrow.
The family of late [NAME] would like to express their gratitude to all those who were in attendance at the funeral of their loved one and those who were instrumental in the carrying out of the funeral arrangements and rites. With your kindness and support, this difficult time was made bearable.
Thank you for the outpouring of love and support we received due to the untimely passing of our beloved father, brother, and uncle. The kindness and comfort we received through monetary support, food, and in-person support has overwhelmed our family and truly shown us we are not alone in our grief. We appreciate you all and wish we could thank you all individually if we could. The [X] family.
To all our friends and family. On behalf of the family of the late Mr. Ahmed Salaam, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the outpour of love and condolences we received during our time of need. We would like to express gratitude to all those who traveled from far and wide to attend the funeral rites and show their support to our family. Thank you for all your prayers. Please accept are the deepest gratitude.
The Salaam family. The family of late [NAME] would like to appreciate all those who took the time to attend the funeral of their beloved father, uncle, and brother. They would also like to appreciate all those who made time out of their busy lives to visit the family at home and extend their condolences and support in the family home. They would like to express their appreciation and prayers of thanks.
We the family of the late Mr. Bland would like to express gratitude to all those who showed their utmost support and love during this sad time of bereavement. We would especially like to express sincere appreciation to the members of the community who extended their support in the funeral and burial rites thereby relieving the family of these burdens. We are grateful to be part of such a supportive community and appreciate you all greatly.
We would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the late Mr. Ahmed Salaam’s family for the outpouring of love and sympathy we got during our time of need. We’d want to thank everyone who came from far and wide to attend the funeral services and show their support for our family. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for all your prayers.
Thank you for the outpouring of love and support we’ve gotten after our beloved father, brother, and uncle passed away unexpectedly. Our family has been astounded by the love and comfort we have gotten in the form of monetary donations, meals, and in-person support. It has truly shown us that we are not alone in our loss. We appreciate you all and wish we could express our gratitude to each of you directly.