The clock is about to strike 12 and we will enter in 20XX. How speedily this year passed left lots of memories, but I still cherish the time spent with you. You remember last year we spent the last evening of 20XX in Times Square and its serene ambiance was just marvelous and splendid and I was so mesmerized with its heavenly beauty. This year I have planned again to spend last eve of 20XX in Times Square, and you will accompany me as usual. May this year bring a lot of good memories and happiness in our lives, and we get rid of the prevailing danger of the virus.
We are entering 20XX to make more memories as every moment I spend with you soothes my saddened heart. I cannot for the time when the New Year is taking us. I am thankful to you for your wonderful friendship. You have made me proud by accomplishing your dream project and I wish you nothing in New Year except love and happiness.
So, tomorrow is opening a new book of life comprising 365 blank pages! Make the best use of it and utilize it in a good way. This New Year is bringing a lot of resolution, hopes, and spirits and I am sending you my warm wishes to be imprinted on the first page of your book. Have a fantastic and blooming year ahead. May you for what you are striving for inside yourself.
To my dear Steward, as you hound your ambitions and goals, may this New Year bring a lot of triumph and success and you enjoy the new journey of your life. With New Year on the firmament, I pray that you encompass it with an open heart. May this year pave way for your exciting expedition with profound friendships and life-changing proficiencies.
Standing in Times Square and beholding the sparkling lights and falling of the ball I am sending a bundle of thanks to your way for doing everything for me and standing by my side through thick and thin. I could not have made it possible without you. I am waiting for the time when our team will get flourished and will reach skies heights. I am indebted to you for your exuberant leadership.
I do still not believe that this year is going to end. Time flies too quickly when we are with our loved ones. I cannot think of accomplishing New Year without having you by my side. I am indebted to you for continuous love and sustenance this year. You made my year full of joy and laughter and provided me a reason each day to love.
Time flies quickly when you are with the most lovable person in your life. Whatever New Year might bring I know that I will accomplish my goals having you by my side. Standing here at Times Square on the last eve of 20XX I wish that like the effervescent lights of Times Square our life will also get sparkled with new zeal, enthusiasm, and resilience.
New Year is the beginning of a new phase of life and the best thing about the past year was that I found the true love of my life. The weather is very romantic, and the crowd is excited at Times Square. Let’s all make promises to one another to love each other unconditionally and be a guiding light for each other. Happy New Year my love!
Hello Panther, I really owe you your friendship and want to let you know on the last evening of 20XX that you will find my full support in every matter as we are each other’s backbone and connected by soul. I have been bestowed with a heavenly gift in for of your friendship and it is such a unique and valuable gift that no one can replace it. I have found a gem in form of you. I want to be in never ended relationship with you. Let’s celebrate evening 32nd December with a promise to never leave each other and be a shining and guiding star for each other and for the nation.
New Year always brings with it rays of success and happiness. I am indebted to God for bestowing me with loving and charming people in my life. Let’s turn this year to be the prevailing year of attainment throughout. Having you by my side on New Year’s evening I heartedly pray that our bond becomes stronger with each passing day. Let’s rock in the last evening of 20XX as we are spending it at Times Square the most beautiful place.
To the ones that are most dear and lovable to me, I pray for your best health and happiness. I am waiting eagerly to join you at New Year’s party happening at Times Square. I pray you get all the aptness, felicitousness, and love in this world and spend a lot of cherishing moments with your loved ones. May the year 20XX prove a lucky year for us and we make a bundle of memories together.
Each year effectuates with it a new chapter, new characters, new stories, and new people. We come across new friends, new faces and new reliabilities. As we have lots of precious lives in the current and the last year, so, let’s not forget them in our New Year’s prayers. As we are gathered here in Times Square after a long time so make the best memory out of it and may this year prove very fortunate for all of you. Happy New Year!