Respected sir, I’m writing this message to humbly request you for at least 2 new employees for this firm. As the manager of the IT team in your company, I realized we have had tons of work from the past couple of months. Having another helping hand or two could speed up our client’s demands and we can meet the criteria required within due time. This will only increase the efficiency of work hence more demand for your company.
Respected sir, as a humble servant of your graphic designing department, I request you to please hire another graphic designer besides me. The workload has increased and I cannot do this on my own only. I have emailed you the criteria and requirements for a new employee as well as the process to select a new graphic designer. Kindly take a look and let me know asap.
Dear boss, as you know we are short-staffed and I have to spend my break time doing chores that are not meant for me such as the janitor’s job; cleaning floors and fixing things around. Kindly, hire another person for this very job and allow us all at your wonderful store to work efficiently. Thank you in advance.
Respected boss, as a sincere employee of your shipping company, I request you to hire 6 more people kindly permanently at the delivery services. We only have 2 men working in that department and your company’s sales have increased by 34% as I keenly observed, in the past 14 months. Your company will only be lagging, if you could arrange 6 people immediately, it will only benefit us all, most importantly, your company. Thank you!
Dear boss, I’m writing to inform you about the excellent sales and increase in all sorts of purchases at your store. This only means that your departmental store is flourishing more every day. However, we are short-staffed and customers are walking out the door since the waiting line is longer than usual. Considering its fall season, customers will only increase and we are short-staffed. Kindly, hire 5 more people. 3 at the cash register and 2 at the shopping aisles. I look forward to meeting the new staff when you hire. Thank you.
Respected Boss, I’m writing on behalf of the whole department when I tell you that our project requires more people to get it done within due time. Considering the new project, we’re unable to cope with the other responsibilities in the office. It will be highly appreciated if you consider our humble request and let us know as soon as possible what you’ve thought.
Respected sir, I’m a 5-year long employee of the Marketing department at your firm. As you know Mr. Patel has quit the office without any notice. We are finding it hard without a replacement to work at the office. Please hire a replacement so we can all cope with our given duties respectively. Thanking you in advance.