Dear valuable customers, this message intends to let you know that from 19th November there will be new operating hours of our Franchise from 9 am to 5 pm. We hope that new timings will be convenient to you and we will try our best to provide you with our best services. Thanks a lot for your consistent succor and we are hopeful to meet you according to new timings. For more queries and information, you can visit our official website. Thank you.
In order to meet the increasing demand of customers for our services, there has been made a slight change in operating hours. according to the new schedule, we will open at 9 am and will close at 8 pm. We hope that with this new timing we will have more interaction with our customers and will be accessible to them. We always keep the best interest of our customers in mind. The changes will take effect from 5th December. There has been made no other change except longer working hours. To avail of our services, you can visit our outlet during the mentioned timings. We will be thankful to you for your cooperation.
Dear customers, with the effect of the cool winter season we have made changes in our operating hours. From 18th July 20XX, our timings will be from 10 am to 8 pm. We hope that these timings will be suitable for all of you as well as for us. We always endeavor to meet the expectations of our customers and this time we have launched a variety of winter items and you will love them all.
We are pleased to announce to you that our operating hours will be changed from 17th December. As per new timings, the opening time will be from 10 am to 9 pm. This change will help to meet your demands and we will have more time to serve you.
Dear customers, please note our new timings that will take effect from 20th November 20XX. We will work now in two shifts. Our morning shift will be from 9 am to 3 pm and the evening shift will be from 4 pm to 10 pm. This change has been made according to new Covid policies. According to this policy, we will deal with only 8 customers at a time and there will be proper implementation of safety measurements. Without wearing masks, you will not be allowed to enter in shop. You are requested to follow the new timings. We will be thankful to you for cooperating with us.
Dear worthy customers, we cherish you for your trust in our products. We are beyond beholden and indebted to you for your consistent allegiance and loyalty to our services. From the past few months due to increasing customers demand things have been wobbling for us. I am announcing it proudly that we have made some changes in our operating hours. Due to short operating hours, customers always made complaints to exceed our timings. From 8th December 20XX, our outlet will open at 9 am and will close at 10 pm. I hope that this news will make your day. I thank you once again for your love and trust in us.
This message aims to let you notify the new timings of our ABC Store. The timings will be from 9 am to 6 pm with one hour break from 1 pm to 2 pm. I hope that this will be happy news for all of you as we were receiving hundreds of emails from customers on a daily basis in which they were asking to increase our operating hours. In case you have any queries then let us know via email. We will try to improve our services also to have better interaction with you as to keep our customers happy is our priority.
Please be notified that from 15th December there will be new timings of our store and we will work in two shifts. Our day shift will be from 8 am to 2 pm and the night shift will be from 3 pm to 10om. You are required to follow the new schedule and visit our store during these hours. I hope that you will be happy with our new timings. You can provide us with your suggestions if we need any improvement. Your feedback will be highly appreciable.
Dear customers, kindly notice that our timings will be from 10 am to 6 pm and it will take effect from 3rd January. I hope that you will be trouble-free with new timings as customers convenience is our first convenience. We are thankful to you for supporting and trusting us.