This is a warning message for you. It is noted that you are continuously breaking the driving rules for the last two weeks. While driving, you also use your mobile phone. Moreover, you do not wear your safety belt. There is a saying “Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy”. Please drive safely and use precautionary measures. Otherwise, we will take action against you. I hope you understand.
This warning message is for you. I have received many complaints about your rush driving. I have come to know that you hit Mr. [X] with your car at high speed. Luckily, he got slight injuries but you should know he can take legal action against you. It is quoted by someone that “Safety first is safety always”. This time we are leaving you with a warning but if you will not mend your ways there will be an inquiry against you in front of the disciplinary committee.
This warning message is for you. I have found out that your driving skills are pretty bad. You do not use any safety measures and drive fast. Also, you do not have any right to play with your life or the life of other people. There is a saying that “Do not learn safety by accident”. Kindly use safety measures while driving. I hope you understand and will never disappoint me again in the future.
This warning message is for you. I have come to know that you hit one of our employees with your car at a very high speed. Luckily, he got slight injuries and was recovered in two days. There is a saying that “Safety will always be the top priority in every business”. Kindly keep driving on the lane and make a safe environment for the people around you.
This warning message is for you. I have come to know that you always break the driving rules. Also, you do not wear your safety belt while driving. Mend your ways before you have to pay a heavy price. It is quoted by someone that “Keep an eye out for safety. Don’t get blinded by bad habits”. Kindly use safety precautions and I hope you will never disappoint me again in the future.
This warning message is for you. I have come to know that you’re driving is not good at all. You do not use any safety precautions and drive the car at a very high speed. I am not expecting this unethical behavior from you. Please acknowledge the letter with an apology. Kindly improve your driving skills and use safety precautions. I will give you the second chance and I hope you will never disappoint me again in the future.