Casual Leave Messages to Boss

Good morning sir hope you are doing good. Sir my friend is in the hospital due to heart surgery. Doctor asked him to arrange the donor on the time of surgery. My blood group is compatible with him. My presence is important. For that reason, I must reach the hospital on time so that in case of any blood need I provide him a help. I assure you that I will manage my work as soon as I will be free from the hospital. Hope you understand and grant me leave for today. Thanks for your cooperation.

Dear sir, my mother is not feeling well. she is diabetic as well as hypertensive. Today is her checkup. My elder brother is out of town and I am only one to take her to the hospital. Her checkup is important as the doctor must change prescription as previous medications are not helpful. I hope you can understand my problem. I will reach home till afternoon after that will connect to office server to manage the tasks from home.

Respected sir hope you are fine. I want to say that I am suffering from a toothache from last few days yesterday by molar tooth broke up. I went to the dentist and after a complete checkup, he advised the removal of the teeth through a root canal. I am in severe pain and he gave me an appointment today in the afternoon. it is my humble request to grant me a leave as I am not able to focus on anything and need rest. kindly grant me a leave for one day so that I can do rest and have my root canal treatment to get rid of annoying pain I am suffering from.

Good morning sir. I hope you are in the best of health. sir, I must go to the passport office as my passport has expired. It is essential as our project team must go abroad next month as per the company plan. I hope you understand and grant me a leave for one day so that I can submit the form for passport renewal as well as complete other documents to attend the meeting. I will try to stay in touch with the colleague to complete my task at him as soon as I will be free from the passport office.

Dear sir, I want to say that I need a leave for a day, the reason behind taking a leave is that I must go another city to collect some documents and certificates from the company where I was working before joining this organization. It is important to collect because I don’t want my documents are lost, I have received a call for the collection of the documents since last week but due to hectic office routine and ongoing projects, I was unable to go there. I hope you understand my request and grant me leave for a day.

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