Kindly take this message as a written notice reminding you of the overdue payment for the month of September, 20XX. You can pay the amount till the 25th of this month, otherwise, no one can stop me to go to court for legal proceedings. This would be better for you if you will not ignore this message. I hope that you will consider this message serious and will do something in this regard.
Please take a moment to take this message as a written warning notice regarding the overdue payment that you had to pay by the start of this month. I hope that you will soon pay the amount. The amount that is overdue is 3000$ including additional charges and taxes. There have been added no extra charges in it. In case you have paid the amount and due to system complications we cannot see it then you can let us know by visiting our office. Hence, we can revamp all the details related to your account. Moreover, we have flexible payment plans at the request of our customers. If you are going through a financial crisis then you can let us know and we can make payment easy for you. You will be provided a few months and in the given time you have to pay the amount. For guidelines, our officials are always ready to help you.
Hello Stuart, I am Ben Johnson, manager of ABC organization. I am writing this message to bring to your notice that you did not take our multiple reminds to pay the due amount seriously. I am informing you remorsefully that we have only one option left now and that is to proceed with legal actions against you. If you have paid the amount and our system is not updating it then you can let us know by visiting our organization.
This message aims to serve that your due payment for the month of December 20XX has not been paid yet. The time frame that has been given to you is completed, so you will pay the amount now with additional charges and taxes. These charges will be applicable every week until the amount that you have to be paid is cleared off. For any questions, you can visit our office.
I am Christopher Sydney, HR of XYZ organization. For the past five years, we have been on good terms and we have worked on multiple projects. I am glad to know this at our professional amiability has been living thoroughly and enormously with a great alliance and joint efforts. I am writing this message to notify you about the overdue payment outstanding to you since August 20XX. We have signed a mega project in December 20XX in which there was discussed thoroughgoing consultancy and team counseling.
The payment that is overdue to you is 9,000$. You had paid 40% of the total amount and the rest of the amount had to be paid in April 20XX. Almost 10 months have been passed but we have not been notified about the rest of the payment and neither did we receive any notification or request letter to prolong the time. Please consider this message as a warning. I want you to discuss your payment plans with us and submit the rest use before April 20XX in order to avoid any disruption and embarrassment.
The payment that is overdue to you is 9,000$. You had paid 40% of the total amount and the rest of the amount had to be paid in April 20XX. Almost 10 months have been passed but we have not been notified about the rest of the payment and neither did we receive any notification or request letter to prolong the time. Please consider this message as a warning. I want you to discuss your payment plans with us and submit the rest use before April 20XX in order to avoid any disruption and embarrassment.
We are accumulating leasehold payments on the 20th of this month. This message is a reminder to you to pay the amount in the given time frame. In case it is difficult for you to pay the amount in due time then you can ask for extra time. You can discuss this matter with us by visiting our office.
Hello Luther, kindly take this message as a reminder that you have to pay the rental payment for the month of January 20XX. Kindly submit your dues before the end of this month. Any dilapidation and remittance will be of no favor to you.
I want you to take this message as an aide-memoire regarding the fee of your son for the month of January 20XX. You were supposed to pay on 10th January 20XX but it has not been paid yet. Your son cannot attend classes until you pay his fees.
Dear Marlow, after being given multiple notices to you regarding the payment you didn’t take the notice seriously. We made numerous attempts to contact you and now we are compelled to take legal actions in this regard. We have been on good terms for the past three years and I don’t want to end on bad terms with you. If your company is passing through financial issues then you can visit us and can discuss our installment strategic plans.
Dear customer, we have given multiple reminders to you to pay the overdue amount by the 5th of this month but we have not received the payment still. This message has been written to inform you that we have been left with no option but to take legal action against you in order to receive our payment. If this message is a mistake then you can contact us by visiting our office to confirm the payment. If you pay the amount within the next 2 months then we will not take any legal action, otherwise, you will urge us to take legal proceedings against you. This is a warning to you to not ignore this reminder. Thank you.