Respected madam, as you know I’m a hardworking individual in your office. But the workload these days is a bit much for one person. I’d be extremely grateful if I could get some help and support. This will not only increase the efficiency of my work but ultimately result in the best office work.
Dear boss! As our company is growing and progressing day by day, so are our efforts. But the number of people is the same which is making us all very exhausted and slow. I’m afraid if the routine remains the same, it might have a negative effect on the company overall. So, if you could provide us with some help and support in the office, we shall be very thankful to you.
Sir, with reference to the new office supplies. We are in utter need of new people and appliances as well, for help and support at the office. The sooner we get the support, the easier and quicker your work will be done. Thank you in advance.
Respected Sir, I am writing to inform you of the assistance we require at the office. Although we are enough individuals, it’s still taking up 2 hours more to get the work done with the new appliances provided at the office. If you could send some technical guys for our help and support at the office, we shall be very thankful to you. Please feel free to contact me at any time, even after office hours, to inquire about this new assistance needed. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear madam, we gave an application about two weeks ago pleading for assistance at the office. We haven’t heard anything back. And now the technical difficulties at the office are getting out of hand. Please send help asap. Thanks in advance.
Sir, as you know I was out of town for my wedding for a week, I’m not able to catch up with office work at the moment. I need special assistance to guide me through the past week’s work so I can further make things right and get back on track. A little push is needed and for that, if you could send someone to help me, I shall forever be grateful to you. Thank you in advance.
Respected madam, as you know the past couple of days our office was closed due to lockdown. We are having a major crisis and shortage of assistance in work currently. If the problem isn’t sorted out, I believe the company could face a major loss. However, if you could provide me and other workers with the physical assistance, we need to get the work done, we can try our level best to bring the office spirits back. All we need is your kind support through this process. If you could do this as soon as possible, we will all be very grateful to you.